Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Heartmender Circle; Lack of Mace; 5-man ToC

Three-in-one today:

Ring --
I finally picked up my Heartmender Circle, purchased with 35 Emblems of Triumph. It's got some nice stats on it.

By equipping it, I lost haste, but gained crit. I've been a big proponent of haste as of late, so some may wonder why I would give it up. The reason behind it is that I want my crit at 30%. I'm sitting at about 28% now. I was able to keep Chain Heal at a 2 second cast, so dumping a little haste for some more crit was an okay thing to do.

Lack of Mace --
I still wait on the Guiding Star. I'm a man (or Draenei) obsessed. It really does bug me that I don't have a mace.

5-man ToC --
I was asked recently what I did to "auto catch" Eadric's hammer in the Trial of the Champion. I actually stumbled on this by accident, but it works quite well.

Just use the Grounding Totem -- it will "catch" the hammer, regardless of who it's thrown at. There's a long enough CD on the hammer throw that you'll be able to keep the totem down the entire fight. From there, it's easy mode.

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