Tuesday, December 8, 2009

3.3 is here!

I downloaded the final bits of 3.3 this morning, and servers are getting mucked around with as we speak. So what do we resto shamans have to look forward to? LOOT! These links come from the PTR (Patch Test Realm) so they'll likely die soon.

I'll finally be able to replace my crappy Naxx-25 ring with a ring from reputation (yay! Don't have to roll for that one!). The Ashen Band of Wisdom comes from the new Ashen Verdict faction. And guess what?! It appears to have haste!! The ring is also upgradeable as you gain reputation. At exalted, it is suggested that you will get an additional "chance" on the ring to increase spell power by 285 for 10 seconds. Guess it's back to the rep grind for me!

We'll also have access to some new leatherworking patterns with the Ashen Verdict reputation. First, Earthsoul Boots with two yellow sockets (woot!), and second, Lightning-Infused Leggings -- both of which are +haste items.

There will be three trinkets we'll have to choose from. The two I'm eyeballing are Althor's Abacus (quite similar to the Forethought Talisman) and the Purified Lunar Dust. Fortunately, one is a healer trinket, so that will limit my competition when it drops, and the other is purchased with emblems, so no competition at all.

This is what has been "data mined" from the PTR up to release. Now that 3.3 is here, we'll have to see what else we will have access to.

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