Sunday, March 28, 2010

Too Sexy For My Tunic

I finally picked up Frost Witch's Tunic a couple weeks ago, giving me my 4-piece tier. And what do I think? I think it's pretty darn sexy.

The 2-piece bonus gives your next cast (after a Riptide) 20% additional haste. Combine that with a sub- 1.5 second Chain Heal + 25% of heal HoT, and you've got the recipe for some amazing heals.

The 2-piece bonus makes Totem of the Surging Sea look a little more interesting. Though I'm still not convinced that I'd have more uptime on it than Totem of Calming Tides. Essentially, you have to cast Riptide at least once every 15 seconds. In a 25-man raid, I don't know that I can do that. In a 10-man, Riptide is used more often, so might be more attractive for that. I'm undecided at the moment, though. Might pick it up and give it a try.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Frosty Pants

Next up for loot: Sanctified Frost Witch's Legguards. These dropped in VoA from Toravon the Ice Watcher. These happen to be the first piece of PvE resto shaman gear I have ever seen drop in VoA. Grats to me.

This means I am one piece away from my four-piece tier. At this moment, I am four Emblem of Frost away from getting my Frost Witch's Tunic. The chestpiece will be my final Tier-10 piece.

I have also picked up the Purified Lunar Dust trinket. The purpose was not really to replace any trinket full-time, but rather to augment mana regen along side the Solace of the Defeated for some encounters. On a pure mana regen basis, Solace of the Defeated is superior.

Last week, I was lucky enough to find the Bulwark of Smouldering Steel upon killing Lord Marrowgar. It was a long wait for that to drop.

What's in my sites now:

Marrowgar's Frigid Eye from Lord Marrowgar -- also Bind on Equip, so wouldn't mind finding it in the Auction House for a decent price.

Bloodsunder's Bracers dropped by Rotface.

Blood Queen's Crimson Choker (another BoE, so maybe could find it in the Auction House) from Blood-Queen Lana'thel or Holiday's Grace from Festergut.

Midnight Sun from the Gunship or Lockjaw from Rotface -- both 10-man.