Thursday, March 18, 2010

Frosty Pants

Next up for loot: Sanctified Frost Witch's Legguards. These dropped in VoA from Toravon the Ice Watcher. These happen to be the first piece of PvE resto shaman gear I have ever seen drop in VoA. Grats to me.

This means I am one piece away from my four-piece tier. At this moment, I am four Emblem of Frost away from getting my Frost Witch's Tunic. The chestpiece will be my final Tier-10 piece.

I have also picked up the Purified Lunar Dust trinket. The purpose was not really to replace any trinket full-time, but rather to augment mana regen along side the Solace of the Defeated for some encounters. On a pure mana regen basis, Solace of the Defeated is superior.

Last week, I was lucky enough to find the Bulwark of Smouldering Steel upon killing Lord Marrowgar. It was a long wait for that to drop.

What's in my sites now:

Marrowgar's Frigid Eye from Lord Marrowgar -- also Bind on Equip, so wouldn't mind finding it in the Auction House for a decent price.

Bloodsunder's Bracers dropped by Rotface.

Blood Queen's Crimson Choker (another BoE, so maybe could find it in the Auction House) from Blood-Queen Lana'thel or Holiday's Grace from Festergut.

Midnight Sun from the Gunship or Lockjaw from Rotface -- both 10-man.

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