Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Shaman T9 Preview

I ripped off a picture from mmo-champion:

This is a preview (I.E. not necessarily final) of the Draenei Shaman Tier 9 set. Considering this shaman has yet to pick up any Tier 8, I think somehow it'll be a while before I get a full Tier 9 set. The Tier 7\7.5 set was the first I've ever had. Giving that up has been rough.

The resto bonuses look like this:

2-piece: Increases the healing done by your Riptide spell by 20%.
4-piece: Increases the critical strike chance of your Chain Heal spell by 5%.

2-piece is interesting -- A little curious if this applies to both the intial heal and the HoT. I would assume it does. This could make the riptide glyph more valuable, as the HoT would last longer.

4-piece is actually quite nice for mana regen. Since Improved Water Shield will trigger with CH crits, the more crits, the more mana returned.

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