Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Specs

The nice thing about shamans is that we're capable of healing both raids and tanks effectively. The problem is, the talents in our tree are distributed in such a way that spending a few extra points to increase efficiency of one task, comes to the detriment of the other. Spending points to help with raid healing will hurt your tank healing, and spending points to help with tank healing will hurt your raid healing.

The solution? Dual Specialization. For those hard core shaman healers out there, you can choose to go resto\resto for your dual spec -- one for tank heals, one for raid heals.

Here are my two specs going into 3.2 . Make note that the talent changes are very minor, but can make a big difference to how well you are healing. Also note the change in one single glyph.

Raid Heals

Tank Heals

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